Lawyers are critical in the workplaces of the future,’ study reveals The skills provided by corporate counsel have made in-house legal experts vital to workplaces with an eye towards the... read more →
JobKeeper 2.0 Is Go! After 6 months of the JobKeeper scheme (JobKeeper 1.0), the extension to the scheme – labelled JobKeeper 2.0, begins and runs until 28 March 2021. We... read more →
Big change to Victorian class actions passed amid political warfare. A major change to class action law in Victoria could make it easier to bring litigation against big corporations for... read more →
The Intersection Between COVID and Responsible Business. As the crisis continues to unfold, ESG topics will continue to grow in importance. Companies will be judged by their ability to withstand... read more →
Australian Travel & Tourism Lawyers hearing enquiries on travel-related matters in light of COVID-19. With the uproar surrounding the Ruby Princess cruise ship controversy, the firm told Australasian Lawyer that... read more →
COVID-19: Australian courts and legal bodies updates. With COVID-19 spreading across Australia, courts in the country are announcing their respective plans of action across all states and territories. Here are... read more →
Gartner Predicts That by 2023 “Lawbots” Will Handle a Quarter of Internal Legal Requests. Legal departments are turning to virtual legal assistants (VLAs) because of extreme pressure to improve efficiency... read more →
Victoria welcomes new Solicitor for Public Prosecutions. Victoria has appointed a new Solicitor for Public Prosecutions to oversee staff budgets and to brief counsel on serious, high-profile crimes. Director of... read more →
Digital adoption and the shake-up of legal practice. Last year Thomson Reuters, in partnership with Lawyers Weekly, launched the inaugural “Tech and the Law” report. This was on how law... read more →
The ‘Uberisation’ of lawyers is picking up pace Professional services firms, such as legal entities, are now operating in a buyer’s market where digital technologies have fostered new customer expectations,... read more →